A Play In A Day

With support and the right skills, children can explore a topic and develop characters and a plot for an original performance in a very short space of time; just look at the adventures they create when engaged in unstructured play!

A Play In A Day by Deirdre Marshall has been developed as an intensive immersive drama performance program consisting of four parts: an Introductory Workshop – featuring an introduction to drama through warm-up and group activities, Project Development – consisting of small and large brainstorming and planning, Rehearsal, and Performance.

The program is highly interactive and allows students and teachers to work collaboratively to develop their own unique play for performance. Depending on the school’s need, this performance can be performed in-house at the end of the day’s program for the rest of the school, the school community, or developed further for public performance.

A Play In a Day provides the perfect opportunity for teachers to work with a passionate and experienced teacher-artist to support the education programs within the school and build their confidence in integrating elements of the drama curriculum into their own classrooms. This program has developed out of the conversations with teachers, especially in regional primary schools, who would like to offer their students the opportunity to experience drama, to use drama skills to explore aspects of the curriculum, and to develop creativity and resilience.